rev_it_up Jul 04, 2008 16:42
can it be kansas tiem nao?, che' some savior, dante is an asshole, beach parties for greater justice?, i'm angsting on the inside, my kicked puppyness let me show u it, could use a stiff non-alcoholic drink, life is a lemon and i want my money back, blow me city, needs moar fuckoff, lady is tiny and angry, needs moar happy fun pretendy times
rev_it_up Jun 08, 2008 14:51
date with amanda and a lead pipe, not the best hero ever, che' some savior, i'm angsting on the inside, kyrie, fucked up a few too many times, why are all my bffs half dead, oh fuck, definitely a sparda, blow me city, lady
rev_it_up May 15, 2008 19:02
no more nursery rhymes ever okay?, definitely a sparda, oh fuck, needs moar anvil, i'm angsting on the inside, not a pinball wizard, oh god oh god we're all going to die